A Creative Approach to Life
I don’t know about you, but I’m a big believer in creating your own reality based on what matters most to you. What I mean by this is paving a life path that will lead towards those goals and dreams you might be picturing right now. It is important to have a plan and take action, but it is also essential to first get clear on what you want to achieve in the coming months or years. A method that has helped me create my reality as a working artist is creating a personal vision board, which is a collection of items, words, or photos that serve as inspiration to bring those visuals into reality.
If you want to try something different this year and invest in yourself through your goals, then I welcome you to try this visual board activity. Below are some easy steps to make a vision board, and you don’t need anything fancy to begin. You can do it on a piece of paper, or if you’d like, you can make an actual board using a frame of your liking and style.
Have fun
There are no perfect ways of doing this, you just have to start and find those things that speak to you.
Let’s make a vision board!
1. Write down your goals
Make a list of your goals for this year. It can be three months from now, six months from now, or just this year overall.
2. Find the right visuals
Go through magazines or even Pinterest and start looking for images and words that match those goals you have set for yourself in #1. This can also include objects you already have that serve as symbols of those goals, e.g. a heart necklace for love, or a photo of the beach for a future vacation, etc.
3. Decorate your board
Cut out or print those images you’ve selected and put them on your vision board. You can get creative here by letting colors speak to you for decorations.
4. Find the perfect spot
Place your vision board somewhere where you’ll see it frequently.
5. Affirm your new reality
Set an intention for yourself and say it out loud. For instance, complete the sentence “I intend for this vision board to ________.”
6. Create a vision
Visualize what it looks and feels like to have that dream or goal as part of your reality. How does it feel in your new universe? This is the most important step, so don’t skip it.
“I like to take a moment to cleanse the energy in the space where my vision board is located with some sacred wood, also known as palo santo, which smells amazing. I love it.”
Of course, the fun doesn’t stop there and it is not just about visualizing. It’s great to have those visuals there to guide you. But this process is also about taking inspired action towards those goals and following the steps that can naturally get you there. For instance, if you want to have a successful business, ask yourself, what steps do I need to take to prepare myself to be the best at what I do? Are there classes I need to take or certain knowledge I must have about finances, marketing, etc.? Even if you don’t have all the finances or knowledge yet, let yourself have the grace to just go there mentally before you put any blocks up.
Do you see where I’m going with this? It will be this inspired action that creates change, because now we can let ourselves enjoy the journey towards those goals. Don’t get bogged down on the how, when, or other details about your vision. Just follow the process and you’ll see how it will all come together when it’s supposed to.
“I collect pictures that “talk” to me.
The right image gives me goosebumps.”
In my own life, I’ve used this method to bring forth the reality of working as a full-time artist. And I’ve also worked with it to accomplish so many other big milestones, including where my art would go, who would own it, who I would collaborate with, and how big I could push myself to paint. I achieved some of these goals within a year, which was great because I had them as far-off goals. I just let myself go there first mentally and in my heart and didn’t give up, and they arrived. So when that happens, you get to dream bigger and bigger.
I’m inspired to collect items and images that have a deeper meaning to my life vision, including a sketch my grandfather made, a quote from an artist I love, artwork on fabric, and many other symbols of joy.
One of my vision boards
in the corner of the studio but always visible and present as I work such a good reminder
It is also nice to take moments to be present and thankful for what’s to come too, even before those visualizations become part of your existence. In my case, my current life was just a dream at some point and I am grateful to now be living those milestones. I’m a living testament that creating your reality works, and you can use it for anything general or more specific aspects of your life. Remember to have fun with it, don’t get focused on the outcome, and trust it is coming for you.
I wish you the best in this process!