Women Coming Together In Support Of Each Others' Passionate Endeavors.
There is nothing that excites me more than women supporting other women in the pursuit of their dreams. I truly believe the more we do this for each other, the brighter and brighter our future becomes.
This is why I was incredibly excited to be a part of a unique event a few weeks ago...
A private, women-only summer soirée at a beautiful lake home in Minnesota. Everyone was dressed in white and I had the immense honor of being one of two artists featured. My work was not only displayed in the home but also outside in the gardens.
It was truly a magical evening, like nothing I've experienced before!
The setting alone was enough to stamp this event in my memory forever, but what was even more touching was the intention the hostess set for the party...
Women coming together in support of each others' passionate endeavors.
I know in my heart that everyone (man, woman, and child) has unique gifts and solutions and ideas to offer the world and so many of you reading this now are already bringing those things forth.
So as you can probably imagine, although I was beyond excited to share my work with the women at the party, I was equally as excited to, at the same time, honor all of the guests there and everything they are doing to not only bring their own unique gifts to the world but also everything they are doing in the support of others doing the same.
Support is everything.
I know my career would not be where it is today without others believing in me.
A local photographer put it very well in her wise words to her young daughter…
“The best advice I will give you, sweet girl, is to surround yourself with those who inspire you and motivate you to become whatever you dream!
I recently asked two treasured young ladies to help lay the first marks on a blank canvas...
What they painted is now the foundation of a future piece that I've just begun working on!
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
-Pablo Picasso
I don't believe everyone of us is an intended to be an artist in the sense that we're all supposed to paint and draw. But instead, I think Picasso meant we all have the potential to share our unique gifts with each other.
I'm so thankful for all the experiences I've had recently (like these girls in my studio and the summer soirée) that have reminded me of this in such powerful ways and I hope my work can be a powerful reminder to you of your inner "artist" wanting to shine through.
My work is a raw embodiment of my journey that's led me to the woman I am today and, my ultimate goal is for it to inspire you on your path to whatever it is you want to become.